Automatic flight control system design  

Course Contents Classical control is still predominantly used in aerospace industry for the design and analysis of automatic flight control systems. Various existing control systems such as Stability Augmentation Systems (SAS), Control Augmentation Systems (CAS) and fly-bywire systems are reviewed in detail. The emphasis of the course lies in demonstrating, through application of classical frequency domain and state space techniques, how to design systems that fulfill the requirements imposed by the aviation authorities, with emphasis on understanding the benefits and limitations of such systems. Study Goals After this course the student should be able to: - Understand dynamics of linear time invariant systems and design controllers for such system for the desired performance - substantiate the function of a Flight Control System(FCS) in civil aviation. - apply the theory of flight dynamics and control to FCS design for civil aviation. - verify if a given FCS satisfies the handling qualities for civil aviation criteria. - design static and dynamic stability augmentation systems. - design all longitudinal and lateral autopilot modes for civil aviation.
Automatic flight control system design

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